Welcome to Adventists South Pacific!
We are Bible-believing followers of Jesus who are dedicated to sharing His love with the community. Our doors are always wide open to people from all backgrounds. We are a welcoming church that loves family, and we look forward to getting to know you.
Supporting the community
Adventists in Northern Rivers, NSW, are on a mission with mowers and whipper snippers, igniting a ‘backyard blitz’ in their community! This collaborative effort among four Adventist churches began six months ago, driven by a passion to extend their community support. Op-shop sales paved the way for essential gardening equipment and two trailers, symbolising their commitment to positive change.
Their compassion extends beyond the ‘blitz’—from distributing food hampers, providing tents for the homeless, and operating soup kitchens to car services and loaner vehicles for those in need of transport. They strive to follow Jesus’ example and make a meaningful impact in the lives of their neighbours!